Creating Dental Crowns 101

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Dental crowns need to withstand a significant amount of chewing, eating and grinding, so they are created to last a long time while giving the semblance of the natural tooth. When you receive a dental crown fitting in our office, first we will create an impression of the teeth needing a dental crown, sending the impression of your smile to a dental lab where the crown is developed.


Using the impression sent from our staff, the staff will develop a mold of the tooth or chompers that need a crown. This mold will help the dental lab team in seeing how your smile is aligned and use this to develop another impression, sustainable under the hot substances your dental crown will be made from.


The porcelain or metal is designed in its molten form at temperatures up to 2400 °F to be able to fit into your smile. It is then heated for an additional period of time to ensure it is the correct setting and then is cured. After the crown has completed cooling, the dental lab team breaks apart the surrounding impression, removing the crown to apply finishing coats. With a final inspection of your new crown, it’s sent back to our office to be installed.


If you need a dental crown or you think you may need one, feel free to contact our Pleasant Grove, Utah office to see Dr. Robert R. Blackhurst and our professional staff for a consultation. Call Blackhurst Dental at 801-763-5555 today!