Dental Health Care Focus: Dental Fillings

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When your tooth enamel is injured, a hole can begin to form. When the hole digs clear into the tooth’s root, it is known as a cavity. Fortunately, there is a dental treatment to treat cavities known as dental fillings. Focus your oral health care on dental fillings. Save your smile with dental fillings and these important facts:

– Dental fillings can be restored or replaced, so if a dental amalgam breaks, it can be taken out and replaced with a new one. If a composite filling breaks, it can be repaired or covered over without removing the original filling.

– Tooth-colored composite fillings can replicate the shade of your natural teeth for a seamless blend that can easily go unnoticed.

– Dental fillings can shield teeth against future cavities.

– Dental amalgams can be used to fix large cavities, and composite fillings can be used to fix small and medium-sized cavities.

Depending on your dental health, our dentist at Blackhurst Dental can help you find which treatment will work best for you. Dr. Robert R. Blackhurst and our team would love to see you at our dentist office in Pleasant Grove, Utah. To schedule an appointment, please call us at 801-763-5555. We will be glad to help you achieve the results you are looking for!