The occurrence of dental trauma or gum disease can result in the loss of a permanent tooth, but the good news is that our experienced team at Blackhurst Dental is prepared to provide custom tooth replacement solutions to repair your smile. We can place a custom dental bridge to restore one or more teeth and provide your smile with a variety of benefits.
When placed in your smile, a dental bridge appears very similar to your natural teeth, consisting of one or more false teeth between two dental crowns to fill the tooth gap. The bridge is shaded to match your natural smile with the use of dental porcelain. When placed in your smile, a dental bridge helps to restore the ability to speak clearly with precision and properly chew your food. In fact, it looks and feels virtually identical to your original teeth.
There are two main procedures to place a dental bridge–removable and fixed. We can simple anchor the dental crowns of the bridge to surrounding teeth for a firm fit. To keep the bridge fixed in place, a dental implant can be surgically placed in the tooth gap and attach to the bridge, to serve as a replacement tooth root. Five to seven years is the typical lifespan of a dental bridge, but proper care can enable it to last ten years or more.
We invite you to contact our office at 801-763-5555 today for an appointment with our dentist, Dr. Robert R. Blackhurst, to learn more about dental bridges in Pleasant Grove, Utah.