Take Action Now Against Gum Disease

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If you have heard of gum disease, you know it is a destructive gum infection that can result in the loss of teeth, gums and bone. What you may not know is that it also affects most adults in the United States to some degree. Because gum disease is mild in its early stages, it’s important to seek treatment then. We encourage you to take action now against any initial signs of gum disease and prevent the condition from developing if possible.

If you have inconsistent oral hygiene habits, it can lead to a buildup of plaque that is rich in bacteria that causes gum disease. Oral bacteria can inflame the gums and cause them to bleed easily. Even though you may not experience any pain, gum disease should be treated as soon as possible so that it doesn’t impact the development of negative oral health conditions. If the infection from gum disease advances to the jawbone as a result of gum recession, your oral health could be at stake.

Even if you don’t think that you have gum disease now, we encourage you to begin the steps of prevention. Practicing effective oral hygiene not only helps to prevent gum disease but can also reverse the initial stages before it becomes advanced and needs invasive treatment. We encourage you to remove plaque from your teeth and gums every day through daily oral care in order to keep this disease at bay. These habits should include brushing and flossing thoroughly to lower the bacteria that threatens your teeth and gums.

We encourage you to speak with our dentist, Dr. Robert R. Blackhurst, about treating gum disease in Pleasant Grove, Utah, by contacting Blackhurst Dental at 801-763-5555.