Take Care of Your Smile by Watching What You Eat & Drink

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We all want our teeth and gums to be healthy and happy, right? Aside from brushing and flossing your teeth every day, there are other things you can do and not do to enhance or maintain the health of your smile. Dr. Robert R. Blackhurst and our team are more than happy to tell you some eating and drinking habits to avoid.

Sweets Between Meals

Lots of us enjoy between-meals snacks. However, it is important that you be selective about the types of snacks you partake of. Eating candy and sweets or drinking sugary juices between meals can potentially damage the teeth. If you’re feeling the munchies between meals, choose healthier snacks that have complex carbs. For example, fruit is a snack that is better for your dental health. If you would like sweets from time to time, eat them with meals. The saliva that you will produce during a meal will help wash the sugars out and keep your mouth bacteria free.

Drinking Soda

As you know, sugary drinks are bad for your teeth because they cause the growth of bacterial. However, did you know that even diet sodas are bad for your smile? The acidity that exists in all sodas is actually more harmful than the sugars. So, to protect your smile, switch to water.

We welcome you to contact Blackhurst Dental at 801-763-5555 today to learn more about caring for your smile and to schedule a visit with our dentist in Pleasant Grove, Utah.