Grinding your teeth at night on a regular basis is often an unconscious response to untreated chronic stress. Some individuals might also grind their teeth when sleeping in relation to an undiagnosed allergy.
This condition of grinding your teeth, which is known as bruxism, can apply excessive force from clenching and grinding to both sets of teeth. This can potentially chip or fracture the tooth enamel. While a problem like this is more likely to occur on the biting surface of molars and premolars, any tooth in your mouth could be vulnerable.
Even if the compromised area doesn’t cause immediate discomfort or sensitivity, you should still have the tooth examined by a professionally trained dentist like Dr. Robert R. Blackhurst. Without timely treatment, the abnormal textures of the damaged tooth enamel could harbor a growing cavity.
Sometimes, a small dental fracture can be treated by installing a simple dental filling. If a large area of tooth enamel was damaged, our dentist might recommend a dental crown restoration. This treatment process will essentially replace the entire tooth enamel layer.
Once the tooth has been treated, you might want to consider sleeping with a dental guard in your mouth. This is a soft yet durable removable mouthpiece that you wear in your mouth while sleeping. It will cushion the biting surfaces of your teeth to prevent further damage.
If you live in the Pleasant Grove, Utah, area, and if you have a fractured tooth, you should call 801-763-5555 to have it examined and treated at Blackhurst Dental.